Help me!!!
I am the spirit, Tavooli Kapapa, the saunatonttu of Greta’s house and I need your help! Some may know me as the sauna gnome but I have different names and do more things than just protect the sauna.
I have an emergency. Lempo, the grouchy lord of rotten cabbage, has captured me.
He and I are about the same age which is another way of saying he’s really old. For ages we have played tricks on each other. It’s a long story but this time he really has it in for me. My spirit is stuck in his home in a cave deep underneath the back yard of Greta’s house. He’s locked me in his junk closet. I am stuck forever unless I get your help. Since you cannot see me, and I can’t leave this smelly closet, I can only leave clues as a sort of “path.” (It’s complicated to explain but these are the rules of the spell that has me trapped.) You must find my statue--the statue of me as a sauna gnome. This statue is the home to my spirit. If you return the statue of me to my proper home in the sauna I will be freed from Lempo’s closet.
I sort of suspected something was happening when I started planning the treasure hunt. Because of this I have hidden clues on how to find me (in addition to finding the treasure.) It has to be complicated enough so he won’t be able to follow. If you think hard enough you can still find me. But be careful, he’s watching! And he may figure out some of the clues and lead you in false directions. He loves these sort of tricks. Whatever you do, don’t let him find my statue (and don’t break me). If he finds my statue he will throw it in this closet and I will be locked away forever!
Since I love little things, if you find me and return me to my proper resting spot I will reward you with treasure of lots of little things! (Tiny things are so cute!) But, if you fail to find me, Lempo will sneak rotten cabbage into your sweets and cake. He loves seeing people unhappy. Fortunately it was a full moon this year on the day of Greta’s birthday, September 22nd. This has allowed me to contact you. The bad part is the moon is waining gibbous so it’s losing it’s power. If the moon gets any smaller I won’t be able to leave any more clues. Please hurry!
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